Answers Test 1

1) One of the four media functions is to (A) evaluate, (B) instigate, (C) persuade, (D) initiate, (E) irritate.

1) Answer: C

2) Which is the perfect mass media model? (A) push-pull, (B) creation-distribution, (C) hot-cool, (D) entertainment-information, (E) none of these

2) Answer: E

3) Which is the most obvious mass media message for persuasion? (A) a news article, (B) an advertisement, (C) a television sitcom, (D) a corporate news release, (E) a photograph

3) Answer: B

4) Mass media are vehicles of (A) persuasion, (B) information, (C) entertainment, (D) social cohesion, (E) all of these

4) Answer: E

TRUE/FALSE. Mark 'A' if the statement is true and 'B' if the statement is false.


5) The advertising that some web browser programs run on your screen is an example of push media.

5) Answer: TRUE

6) Almost all mass media have an entertainment component.

6) Answer: TRUE

7) Demassification means that mass media are narrowing their audience focus.

7) Answer: TRUE

8) The mass media help bind people into nationhood during crises.

8) Answer: TRUE

9) Media melding has halted the consolidation of media ownership.

9) Answer: FALSE Consolidation is the name of the game right now.

10) Book publishers continue to rely solely on readers for revenue.

10) Answer: FALSE Film rights can be worth more than income from publishing.

11) Almost all mass media can be neatly pigeonholed as either entertainment or information.

11) Answer: FALSE Virtually all media is a combination of both.

12) Push media propel messages at you whether invited to or not.

12) Answer: TRUE

13) The earliest mass medium was radio.

13) Answer: FALSE How about books?



14) What would impress an elitist about a book? (A) how well the author articulates concepts in radio interviews, (B) provocative cover art, (C) how photogenically the author comes across on television, (D) literary quality, (E) a catchy title.

14) Answer: D

15) Some social liberals forget their free-expression heritage by favoring censorship of material that may (A) hurt book industry profits, (B) hurt someone's feelings, (C) have prurient appeals, (D) undermine democratic society, (E) lead to libel suits.

15) Answer: B

16) What was the first blockbuster novel? (A) Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, (B) Alexandra Ripley's Scarlett, (C) Stephen King's The Green Mile, (D) Tom Clancy's The Hunt for Red October, (E) Tom Paine's Common Sense

16) Answer: A

TRUE/FALSE. Mark 'A' if the statement is true and 'B' if the statement is false.


17) Best-seller lists are uniformly accurate measures of what people are reading in the United States.

17) Answer: FALSE The results are dependent upon the sample.

18) Typical novels have longer shelf lives than successful textbooks.

18) Answer: FALSE Textbooks can live for a long time, as long as they are continually updated.

19) Messages in books have a trickle-down effect through other media.

19) Answer: TRUE



20) Mass-produced books changed human history by (A) accelerating the exchange of ideas, (B) preserving the art of calligraphy, (C) discouraging learning, (D) ending assembly lines that produced books, (E) retraining printers as scribists.

20) Answer: A

21) The first mass production of the written word came (A) when Bertelsmann bought Random House, (B) with the founding of the New York Sun in 1833, (C) with the founding of the New York Daily News in 1919, (D) in the mid-15th century with Gutenberg's movable type, (E) in the 1840s with the Industrial Revolution.

21) Answer: D

22) What do authors earn from book publishers? (A) royalties, (B) script, (C) salaries, (D) the nut, (E) wages

22) Answer: A

23) Boomer Esiason's campaign to find a cure for cystic fibrosis was the beneficiary of (A) favorable noise, (B) strong media feedback, (C) media amplification, (D) gatekeeper-regulator support, (E) positive filters.

23) Answer: C

TRUE/FALSE. Mark 'A' if the statement is true and 'B' if the statement is false.


24) People who tune into mass messages may themselves interfere with the message getting through.

24) Answer: TRUE

25) Mass messages are sent via mass media.

25) Answer: TRUE

26) Mass communicators have control over filters.

26) Answer: FALSE Just the opposite.

27) Mass communicators are never sure exactly of the size of audiences.

27) Answer: TRUE

28) Feedback is stronger in mass communication than in interpersonal communication.

28) Answer: FALSE Think about it: This statement doesn't make sense.

29) Status conferral is limited to the news media.

29) Answer: FALSE Nope. Anybody can confer status upon someone else.

30) Most media scholars today believe the effects of the mass media generally are cumulative over the long term.

30) Answer: TRUE

31) People who expose themselves to mass messages inevitably become more personally involved in political processes.

31) Answer: FALSE There's no relation whatsoever.

32) Low-culture audiences grasp complexity and subtlety in entertainment.

32) Answer: FALSE Are you kidding me?

33) When people shaped their schedules to see the latest episode of "Survivor" on CBS television, they were engaging in a media-induced ritual.

33) Answer: TRUE

34) Mass media help enforce social order by reporting deviant behavior.

34) Answer: TRUE



35) What communication impediment exists when a receiver's own fatigue interferes with receiving the message? (A) physical filter, (B) environmental noise, (C) neuralgic filters, (D) semantic noise, (E) targeted mass communication

35) Answer: A

36) Non-media people and institutions who try to influence mass-communicated messages before they reach the audience are (A) filters, (B) gatekeeper-regulator hybrids, (C) gatekeepers, (D) regulators, (E) noisemakers.

36) Answer: D

37) What was David Sarnoff's vision? (A) Every workplace would be equipped with a radio, (B) Every home would be able to transmit messages to the whole world, (C) Every home would possess a private movie theater, (D) He would one day rule the world with radio, (E) "Radio music boxes" could be household appliances.

37) Answer: E

38) The mass media contribute to stability in society by (A) telling audience members what to think, (B) offering the business perspective on how policy should be formed, (C) promoting viewpoints favoring the government, (D) providing common rituals, (E) squashing viewpoints opposing the government.

38) Answer: D

39) Where does classical music fit on Herbert Gans' culture continuum? (A) high-culture, (B) middle-culture, (C) low-brow, (D) populist, (E) middle-brow

39) Answer: A

40) What role have the media played in the demise of Main Street? (A) Media outlets moved downtown, displacing other Main Street businesses, (B) Most malls are part of larger media conglomerates and therefore receive better advertising discounts, (C) News organizations have uncovered numerous tales of Main Street corruption, (D) People see advertisements from regional shopping malls with greater variety and lower prices than Main Street, (E) Most media outlets refuse to run advertisements for small businesses.

40) Answer: D

41) Which is elitist? (A) Mass media do society a disservice by pandering to low tastes, (B) Popularization elevates the cultural sensitivity of the whole society, (C) The mass media bind society together more than divide it, (D) Nothing is unbecoming in the mass media's catering to mass tastes, (E) Although pianist Liberace omitted the trills and other intricacies in performing a sonata, he nonetheless gave mass audiences access to classical music that otherwise would never occur.

41) Answer: A

42) What did Marshall McLuhan call the new tribal community resulting from television's ability to exceed the reach of interpersonal communication? (A) reconnectionville, (B) back-to-the-future society, (C) global village, (D) downsized community, (E) sensurround-town

42) Answer: C

43) A great source on the internet to look up information about movies that is owned by is called: (A), (B), (C), (D), (E)

43) Answer: D

44) Where can you find the latest updates to the Mass Comm 110-02 class schedule? (A) In the Mass Comm office in Nelson Hall, (B) In the printed syllabus that can be purchased from the University Bookstore, (C) On the web at, (D) On the web at, (E) On the web at

44) Answer: D

45) Newspaper carriers in the United States... (A) ...are always children, (B) ...are paid by the hour, (C) ...make at least minimum wage, (D) ...are mandated by law to walk or ride bicycles, (E) ...are generally independent contractors and are not covered by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSH (A) laws.

45) Answer: E

46) Which of the following is NOT an example of mass media? (A) Fortune cookies, (B) School buses with corporate logos on the side, (C) A T-shirt with a WWE logo on it, (D) A bowl of Jell-O, (E) Talk radio.

46) Answer: D

47) There are a lot of differences on our planet between 100 years ago and today. Which of the following is NOT different? (A) Human DNA, (B) Methods of transportation, (C) Methods of communication, (D) Availability of foods, (E) The environment.

47) Answer: A

48) Regarding the film we viewed in class entitled The glitter: sex, drugs and the media, which of the following statements is NOT true? (A) The film is up to date, (B) The film employs the same techniques to grab the audience's attention as those it complains about, (C) It is available in the Media Center in the MSU library, (D) It offers a biased point of view, (E) It suggests we sell U.S. presidents the same way we sell potato chips.

48) Answer: A

49) The plural of "media" is: (A) Mediums, (B) Medias, (C) That's a stupid question because "media" is the plural of "medium", (D) What's a plural?, (E) Who cares?

49) Answer: C

50) Which one of the following is most true about the mass media? (A) Special interest magazines are a good example of demassification, (B) Major corporations are buying up and controlling much of the mass media, (C) The U.S. Senate recently voted to overturn the Federal Communications Commission (FC, (C) decision to allow corporations to own a higher percentage of media outlets in local markets, (D) President Bush has stated that he supports the Federal Communications Commission (FC, (C) decision to allow corporations to own a higher percentage of media outlets in local markets, (E) All of the above.

50) Answer: E

51) This summer your instructor broke a primary rule of editing and publishing. What was it? (A) He failed to make a profit off the syllabus you bought at the bookstore, (B) He failed to completely proofread (or get someone else to proofread) the class syllabus before delivering it to be printed, (C) He failed to register the copyright on several articles he wrote for Applauze magazine, (D) He downloaded music off the internet, (E) He registered a screenplay with the Writers Guild of America.

51) Answer: B

52) Your text states on page 5 that "[s]eldom do the media create controversy. They merely cover it." What does your instructor think about this statement? (A) That it is absolutely true, because the events the media cover create the controversy, not the media themselves, (B) That it is false because the media make choices in covering events, and that controversy sells newspapers and advertising time on TV and radio, thus generating profits, (C) That it is true because the media are generally honest, (D) That it is false because he thinks the author is trying to justify his position as Professor of Mass Communications at Winona State University, (E) That it must be true because the text costs over $70.

52) Answer: B

53) The media had a great impact on how their readers view which of the following events? (Choose one.) (A) 9/11, (B) The O.J. Simpson trial, (C) The controversy about the MSU aviation program, (D) The war in Iraq, (E) All of the above.

53) Answer: E

54) The normal progression of information through the mass media to the consumer is as follows (choose on, (E): (A) Creation -> production -> distribution -> retail -> consumer, (B) Consumer asks retail, which asks distribution, which asks production, which asks the creators for content, (C) Writer -> editor -> publisher -> distributor -> bookstore/newsstand -> consumer, (D) TV executive -> girlfriend/boyfriend -> waiter with screenplay -> girlfriend/boyfriend -> TV executive -> assistant -> producer -> director -> actor -> editor -> technical people -> production -> distribution -> retail -> consumer, (E) government -> media -> distribution -> consumer.

54) Answer: A

55) Which of the following was NOT a defining moment in the history of mass media. (A) The first radio signal transmission, (B) The Gutenberg press, (C) The Mosaic internet browser, (D) Reality TV, (E) Philo Farnsworth's invention of the TV tube.

55) Answer: D

56) The mass media is (choose on, (E): (A) Pervasive, (B) Profitable, (C) Truthful, (D) Government controlled, (E) Independent of corporate interests.

56) Answer: A

57) Which one of the following statements is NOT true? (A) GE owns NBC, (B) AOL owns Warner Bros. pictures, (C) Rupert Murdoch owns Fox News, (D) A German company owns Universal Pictures, (E) Disney owns ABC.

57) Answer: D

58) Which one of the following is NOT an example of where amplification might occur in the mass media? (A) Jennifer & Ben, (B) Ben & Jerry, (C) Intrapersonal communication, (D) Interpersonal communication, (E) George W. Bush & Donald Rumsfeld.

58) Answer: C

59) The mass media amplify tragedy according to: (A) The number of deaths involved, (B) The number of injuries involved, (C) What they perceive will interest the public, (D) A set of standards established by the government, (E) Reading Tarot cards.

59) Answer: C

TRUE/FALSE. Mark 'A' if the statement is true and 'B' if the statement is false.


60) The text sates that the entertainment-information model is a dichotomy. The instructor argues, however, that it is more of a continuum.

60) Answer: TRUE

61) Most commentators agree that Fox News has a liberal bias and that Al Franken has a conservative one.

61) Answer: FALSE Just the opposite.

62) Political contributions, because they are an example of free speech, do not influence of the mass media.

62) Answer: FALSE Money talks.



63) How does the internet bypass traditional forms of content distribution? (A) It allows anyone to be a content creator for very little cost, (B) It allows anyone to be a content distributor for very little cost, (C) It circumvents corporate structures that have historically controlled and limited information distribution, (D) It allows anyone to be a content receiver for very little cost, (E) All of the above.

63) Answer: E

The following questions address the film "Bowling for Columbine".


64) Michael Moore tries to present his material in fair and objective terms. (A) True, (B) False.

64) Answer: B

65) According to Professor Glassner, crime rate is up only 20% but media exposure is up 600%. (A) True, (B) False.

65) Answer: B

66) According to Michael Moore, which of the following is NOT true about the mass media. (A) Black men are made into scapegoats, (B) Canada has less crime because they have fewer TV stations, (C) Canadians watch fewer violent movies, (D) The mass media promote fear, (E) Air pollution in Los Angeles is more dangerous than crime even though the mass media would have you believe otherwise.

66) Answer: B, C

67) Entertainer Chris Rock proposes an economic solution to the problem of gun violence. (A) True, (B) False.

67) Answer: A